Our blog

Here we keep you up to date with articles and news about communication, logistics and transport.

Digital revolution in the logistics industry

Digitalization has reached the European transport industry. Find out which trends are having a profound impact on the way freight is transported and how it is communicated along the supply chain.

5 tips for better communication with your drivers 

As a dispatcher, communication is the key to coordinating your transports. Heylog helps you improve communication with your drivers.

Is using WhatsApp for dispatching DSGVO compliant?

To enable quick communication, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Viber are often used in dispatching. With Heylog, these chat services can be used in a GDPR-compliant manner.

5 tips to save time and effort in dispatching

The daily dispatching routine is already stressful enough. Our 5 tips will help you save time and effort in scheduling.

Everyday life in logistics is complex enough

Make the right decisions quickly with Heylog

We help you stay on top of things by collecting, organizing, and analyzing all ongoing driver conversations, from any messaging service, in one central location for you to make the right decisions every time.

Heylog is the communication service for modern logistics. We help to keep the overview and to make the right decisions.
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